Carl August Sandburg was born the son of Swedish Immigrants. He worked all his young life, quiting school right after his eight grade graduation in 1891. Sandburg spent a decade working odd jobs from delivering milk to shinning shoes. Then he spent time traveling as a hobo.
His experiences traveling and working influenced his writing and political views. When the Spanish-American war broke out, Sandburg volunteered for service and at the age of 20 he was sent to Puerto Rico. The only battles he fought was against the heat and mosquitoes. After his return he entered College and supported himself as a on call fireman.

Sandburg spent two years of his life writing poety before his first book of verse in "In Reckless Ecstasy" was printed on Wrights basement press in 1904, Wright printed two more volumes for Sandburg "Incidentials" (1907) and "The Plaint of a Rose" (1908). Sandburg met Lillian Steichen, who he married in 1908. The responsibilities of marriage and Family made him change his carrerr. He soon became a Journalists. For several years he worked as a reporter for the Chicago Daily News.
In 1914 a group of his poems appeared in "Poetry Magazine". Two years later his book "Chicago Poems" was published and the 38 year old author found himself on the brink of a great career.